Monday, January 11, 2010


January 11th
I haven't written because I was waiting for some good news. Waiting has not always been an easy task for me. Especially when it involves seeing my kids healthy and happy. We were all like walking zombies yesterday morning. Matt Redman is playing throughout the house. Something is telling me I should go to church. I arrive at church and Rita and Ann pull me aside and pray with me almost before I get through the door. I love those ladies so much. Russ joins us and continues to pray with me. He gives me this scripture which will be what gets us through the night.
Proverbs 18:10
The name of the Lord is a strong tower;
the righteous run to it and are safe.
I know as soon as he says it that it was all I needed to hear. My babies are safe. Ruth hugs me and lets me cry on her for a few minutes. I am so thankful for all these people. There is something to be said for fellowship and the power of prayer. I don't care what you think you believe. It's real and it's tangible stuff.
So needless to say, we had a better night than the last few. Almost total silence through the house the whole first half of the night. And the episodes that happened after that were short and few. Maybe 3 or 4 between both Leah and Cody. Today they are playing peacefully in their rooms with each other. Barbie's on one side, G.I.'s on the other. Sometimes I like to peek a listen just to bask in there normalness. I have never had so much thankfulness in my life.

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