Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Break in the Clouds

After 5 horrible weeks, things are finally looking up. Our friends have prayed us right on through. Bryan is feeling much better. He's not completely out of the woods, but he's able to stand at least. The kids had a great night last night. Not perfect, but good enough. As long as the Lord continues to have mercy on me and keep me protected from this awful illness, then we'll be done with this in no time. Now I just want to know that our friends the Slaughter's are through the toughest part with baby Eden, then there will be a definite break in the clouds.
Kaiya's 11th birthday is on Friday. She has been planning on a trip to the mall on Saturday for shopping and a movie with her and a few of her friends (and me, of course). I'm really hoping we'll be able to do that. I'm not a big mall person, but I'm looking forward to getting out of this 3 bedroom ranch for a few hours.
Tomorrow I go with mom for her MRI. I'm anxious, but hopeful. I am so in love with my God lately that I know that everything is going to be O.K. No matter what the MRI says. I honestly feel confident and peaceful about all this. Somehow.

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