Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sharing is Caring

Sausage & Peppers...see, I care.

First thing you wanna do is grill up your onions with lots o butter until soft. Yum. Set aside.
I always de-case my sausages, then, I brown them in a frying pan. Take them out once they are nice and brown on the outside and then slice them. Stick em' back on the pan for a bit longer on each side then remove and set aside.
Without rinsing the pan add 1 can of dark sweet beer. Let simmer. Now, I add some chopped garlic, fresh basil, cilantro, oregano, some brown sugar (to taste), a dribble of hot sauce(also to taste) and a small can of tomato paste. Next, add some sliced peppers. I prefer orange and yellow peppers. Let it all simmer for 30 minutes or so on low. Add back in grilled onions and sausage. Simmer a few minutes more. Serve over spanish rice. Thank me later.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Crooked Cake

Unlike the women who do these sorts of things strictly for enjoyment, I start out with the sole intention of being frugal. Some might have other words for it. I prefer frugal. I refuse to pay the amount that they want at a bakery for a pile of sugar so, I become determined to do it myself for $9.50. Then, after the process, I realize that I enjoy these sorts of things. I believe that the Lord knows that I would never have baked fondant cakes, built tv stands, laid a tile floor, etc. unless my bank account forced me to. Sometimes I feel like the karate kid who is wondering why Mr. Miyagi has him suffering through all this nonsense until the day when he realizes that He is molding him into something that might be able to stand a chance.
For this I am thankful. All this from a crooked cake.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wiggy Eats

Once a month I often find myself with a wicked migraine. I'm sure there are lots of women out there who can relate. But I have found that what I eat the weeks prior can help me to avoid the severity of these headaches. Here is a small meal loaded with iron, protein and amino acids.
Filet Mignon and escerole with sweet potatoe and ginger sauce. MMmmm

Recipe for the Escarole is as follows:
Head of Escarole
2tbs sesame oil
Fresh grated ginger
2 sweet potatoes
salt to taste
1/2 tsp. rice vinegar
1 tsp tamari
1 tsp lime juice