Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sharing is Caring

Sausage & Peppers...see, I care.

First thing you wanna do is grill up your onions with lots o butter until soft. Yum. Set aside.
I always de-case my sausages, then, I brown them in a frying pan. Take them out once they are nice and brown on the outside and then slice them. Stick em' back on the pan for a bit longer on each side then remove and set aside.
Without rinsing the pan add 1 can of dark sweet beer. Let simmer. Now, I add some chopped garlic, fresh basil, cilantro, oregano, some brown sugar (to taste), a dribble of hot sauce(also to taste) and a small can of tomato paste. Next, add some sliced peppers. I prefer orange and yellow peppers. Let it all simmer for 30 minutes or so on low. Add back in grilled onions and sausage. Simmer a few minutes more. Serve over spanish rice. Thank me later.

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