Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve
Another long weekend is upon us and I have been reading up on whooping cough. I can't believe the doctors aren't taking me seriously. I'm going again today and I will insist that they take me seriously and do something! Before I go, I find out that there are a few kids who go to the same Dr.'s office as I do who have confirmed cases of whooping cough. So why they didn't they advise me of this????
The doctor treated us like poop.She finally admits we have whooping cough. Actually she just doesn't deny it. I asked her if there was anything I can do for my children and she said "Yeah. They're called vaccinations". When I reminded her about her other patient who is up to date on his vacinnations and still got this, as well as my oldest child who was vacinatted and still has it, she got really irritated and ended the visit quickly. The Dr. we normally have seen for the last 10 years has been pushed out of this particular practice because he supports parents rights to choose how to treat there own children. Thank God he opens the doors of his own pratice on January 4th. How will we survive till then? Since he is such a wonderful doctor he is advising and encouraging me via email.

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