Saturday, May 15, 2010

Whooping cough-6 months later

Well, it's been 6 months since we first got whooping cough. I can finally say, with confidence, that it's gone!! We went to the ocean last week and I haven't heard a single coughing fit since. THANK YOU LORD!
Ugh. What a year. He has turned my mourning into dancing, and girded me with gladness. This year was filled with trials for all of us. In hindsight, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
There were times when I thought my husband was going off the deep end. He was miserable at his job and his bosses were making his life a living hell. I had moments when I thought I could've lost my daughter and my mother.The kids got whooping cough and I was never more anguished than I was watching them suffer through that awful disease. At the same time I got the call from my dear mother who told me she had breast cancer. All this lead to my own moments of feeling like I was going off the deep end. But my God is faithful. We drew closer to Him than ever before. Praying in earnest everyday, all throughout the day. My kids got to see His abounding love and mercy in full throttle. And suddenly, one day, the blessings started pouring in through the cracks of our sinking ship. Now we are a healthy, cancer-free, pain-free, burden-free, happy family once again. Bryan is working from home so we are all together, everyday. Even though we don't deserve any of it, we are being blessed with time, money, joy, peace and health. All because He loves us more than our hearts can fathom. He held us up through the storm and now we are watching as he makes the flowers grow.
I love my God. And I am so not afraid to say it.